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Advancing the Classroom Experience

The Foundation bridges the gap between programs funded with tax dollars and the need for additional imaginative programs and activities to ensure that students learn, grow and achieve their full academic potential.

Teacher Grants
Grants For


Who May Apply?

Center Grove teachers, teacher aides, teacher assistants, school counselors, administrators, support staff, student groups, parent groups or other school organizations.

General Guidelines

  • Submit grant applications on the form provided on the CGEF website.

  • The application must be neatly typed, and include the required approval of a principal or other designated school administrator.

  • State the program description, need or problem, goals, specific activities, and time frame for the project.

  • State why the project enriches the lives of students by providing additional learning opportunities and/or resources or otherwise meets specific educational or curricular needs of the class, school, or organization. *Note: Projects benefitting an individual student will not be considered.

  • State an income and itemized expense projection for the project, including additional funding opportunities or resources.

  • State the anticipated benefit and impact of the project on students, teachers, and the school educational community.

  • All projects must be educational.

  • Equipment purchases should be part of the project, not an end in itself. Equipment requests require an educational objective demonstrating the incorporation of the requested equipment as an integral piece of the project.

  • When available, the project should involve opportunities for matching funds or resources from third parties.

  • The project should improve student character, achievement, or motivation.

  • The project should address a problem or satisfy unfulfilled needs for which funding is otherwise unavailable.

  • If designed to be ongoing, the project should be capable of being successfully continued without long-term future funding from the CGEF. Does the applicant have available funding sources in place so that the endeavor might be continued after the CGEF funding is exhausted?

  • Projects that can be replicated or extended to other areas are strongly encouraged.

  • Consideration will be given to striking a balance among projects initiated by teachers, students, or other groups throughout the community.

  • Consideration will be given to striking a balance among all grade levels.

  • Depending on available funds, the CGEF may approve only partial funding for some projects.

  • Grant funds shall not be used for additional staff compensation.

  • All grants awarded will require submission of a budget/expense report, and a 1-3 page synopsis outlining the outcomes of the grant including how the funds were used, the successes and/or shortcomings of the results, and the short and long-term gains of the funded project. The synopsis and budget/expense reports are due to the CGEF within 30 days of the project’s conclusion.

The Grants Committee may request additional information.

Professional Development Grants
Grants For

Professional Development 

Who May Apply?

Center Grove Certified Staff and Administrators
General Guidelines

  • Submit grant applications on the form provided on the CGEF website.

  • The application must be completed and submitted within the set fall and spring cycle timelines. The online form will automatically close at midnight on the application deadline.

  • Fall cycle applications may be for the following spring semester or summer; Spring cycle applications may be for the following summer or fall semester.

  • A description of the professional development opportunity, objectives, and opportunity specifics must be included. (What makes this PD opportunity special?)

  • State why the opportunity offers a new approach to a specific problem or otherwise supports the current building professional development plan or corporation initiative.

  • State what expenses for the opportunity will be incurred (registration, travel, accommodations, additional expenses). The expected average range of grant funds available (per grant) will be approximately $250 to $2,500.

  • All opportunities must be educational and be related to the content area of the applicant.
  • Equipment requests require an educational objective demonstrating how the requested equipment is an integral piece to the professional development opportunity.
  • The opportunity should reflect how the applicant intends to use the experience to improve student character, achievement, or motivation.
  • If the opportunity is designed to be ongoing, the opportunity should be capable of being continued without long-term future funding from the CGEF.
  • When available, the opportunity should involve chances for matching funds or resources from third parties.
  • Depending on available funds, the CGEF may approve only partial funding for an opportunity. CGEF may also provide assistance in securing additional funding through community Excellence Partners.
  • The building administrator or Grants Committee may request additional information.
  • Opportunity must not have been completed before the applicant applies for a grant.
  • Final approval of all requests will be made by the CGEF Grants Committee based on funding availability.

Revised September 2021

Big Dreams Grants
Grants For

Big Dreams

Who May Apply?

Center Grove teachers, administrators, staff, student groups, parent groups or other school organizations.
General Guidelines

Preference will be given to the following types of projects:

  • Projects between $5,000-$20,000
  • Projects that promote entrepreneurial spirit
  • STEM projects
  • New projects and programs (Not something already being done that just needs additional funding)

Our Awards

See how your contributions have supported students, teachers and staff.

2023 Spring
Teacher Grants
Because of Winn-Dixie - $380.96

Celeste Clark, Pleasant Grove Elementary School
Two classroom sets of the book "Because of Winn-Dixie"

Instruments for Musical Independence - $4,600

Joel Newsham, Pleasant Grove Elementary School
Instruments to replace worn-out/broken pieces and increase quantities to allow for more participation


Robotics Shop Equipment/Storage for Expansion - $5,008

Red Alert Robotics, Center Grove High School
Workbench, toolbox, dust collector and pallet shelving racks


Let them be little, let them play! - $1,026.15

Allison Smiley, Maple Grove Elementary School
Dramatic play items to build Kindergarten skills


Stock Market Investors - $2,246

Mika Stark, Maple Grove Elementary School
Books and learning materials to help grow the stock market simulation program


Bringing Our Worlds Together: Supporting English Language Learners - $1,500

Kristi Watters, Center Grove Elementary School
Materials to use with English language learners


Jumping into SOR - $1,400

Jena Kennedy, Center Grove Elementary School
Resources to provide opportunities for explicit hands-on practice of phonics instruction


Walnut Grove Elementary Nature Club - $481.25

Stephanie Dodson, Walnut Grove Elementary School
Gardening tools and educational resources


Lighting Our Way to the Future: Wireless Control of Lights for the Marching Arts - $1,330.43

Josh Torres, Center Grove High School
DMX lighting system that allows remote control of lights


Music Therapy Groups - $2,880

Katy Campbell and Jeff Mendenhall, The Academy
Music therapy for students at Center Grove Academy


Instrument Tuners for Band and Orchestra Classrooms - $5,493

JJ Peil, Center Grove Middle School North
A classroom set of tuners and music stand attachments for our band and orchestra programs


Calculate The Worth - $100

Amanda Lavery, Walnut Grove Elementary School
Calculators for the Walnut Grove Math Bowl Team

Professional Development Grants
Teach Your Heart Out - $3,797

Fourth-grade team, Walnut Grove Elementary School
Teach Your Heart Out conference, Orlando, FL

Developing Leaders - $2,850

Alice Thompson and Jessica Goodman, Center Grove High School
51st Annual National Conference on Student Activities in Burlingame, CA

FAA Part 107 Professional Development - $488.07

Brent Schulz, Center Grove High School
Further knowledge of FAA rules, regulations, and guidelines of general aviation with regards to small unmanned aircraft vehicles (sUAV) related to the Project Lead the Way’s Aerospace Engineering course standards

Plain Talk About Literacy And Learning - $2,700

Lisa LaFavers and Caitlyn Nowak, North Grove Elementary School             
Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning conference in New Orleans, LA